Possum Trapping And Control

Opossum Removal & Control


If you have an opossum on your property, you might know that they can be quite persistent. Opossum are grey and white-colored marsupials that are native to North America, and they are different than their relative, the possum, who originate in the eastern hemisphere. When left alone in the wild, opossums tend to avoid confrontations and eat small animals like rats, mice, and cockroaches from their surroundings.Unfortunately, these "helpful" critters may not be so helpful to you or your family.

Opossums can cause risks to both your property and your health, and even your horses. They not only carry diseases, but they can seriously damage your home. Some of the diseases that opossums tend to carry include, but are not limited to, tuberculosis, Spotted Fever, toxoplasmosis, and Chagas Disease. Not to mention, they could be infested with fleas, ticks, lice, and mites, which carry their own assortment of health hazards. Opossums also carry EPM (equine protozoal myeloencephalitis) which is deadly to horses.

Typically, people find opossums hanging out in their garbage cans, attics, or underneath their home. When there, they tend to scavenge for materials to make their dens out of. This could include insulation, air ducts, clothing, and electric wires. Opossums also create waste in these places, which tend to have strong odors and is also a health hazard. 

Opossum Behaviors

The opossum has distinct behavior patterns that help identify them. First of all, they are nocturnal creatures who tend to live solo when not mating, which they do two to three times per year. They prefer a dark habitat close to a food source such as hollow logs, brush piles, and existing structures around your home. One of the most identifiable aspects of an opossum's behavior is its ability to "play dead." This is a defense mechanism where they draw their lips back and emit saliva. This may cause onlookers to assume the opossum has rabies, but they rarely contract and transmit this disease.

Opossum Prevention

If you're worried about the possibility of opossum getting into your home, there are precautionary measures you can take. Recognize that wild creatures like opossum want two things: food and shelter. When you remove both of these from their reach, they no longer want to stay in your home, no matter how wonderful it may be!

Opossum Removal

If an opossum has entered your personal space, it's essential to get it out as quickly, safely and humanely as possible. However, it would be best if you avoided doing this yourself as a lack of training can make you susceptible to harm. Instead, contact Veteran's Pride Wildlife Control, we can help. Instead of living in fear, get your pests under control today. Contact us to schedule an inspection.

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